Author: Rupert Thompson

Banker Rally

Last week was a quietish one for markets. Global equities inched up 0.2% in local currency terms, although gained 0.9% in sterling terms as the pound retreated against…

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Santa is Ahead of Schedule

The Santa rally continued last week with global equities rising a further 0.7%. More impressively, equity markets chalked up in November their largest gain for three years, returning…

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IBOSS Weekly Market Update | November 28, 2023 Rabbit Time

Global equities were mixed last week. In local currency terms, they continued their recovery with a gain of 0.8%. But they lost 0.5% in sterling terms as the…

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IBOSS Weekly Market Update | November 20, 2023 Hear No Evil

Equity markets rose last week for the third week running. Global equities returned 2.4% in local currency terms and a somewhat smaller 1% in sterling terms, as the…

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IBOSS Weekly Market Update | November 6, 2023 Rose Tinted Glasses

Markets cheered up considerably last week with increased hopes of a soft-landing driving significant gains in both equities and bonds. Global equities reversed a good part of their…

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IBOSS Weekly Market Update | October 30, 2023 Eyes Wide Open

Once again equity markets were negative last week with a fall of 1.8% in local currency and sterling. Global equities are now up 4.9% for the year in…

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