Effectively managing investments is a challenging and time-consuming task for any financial planner, particularly under the increasing and ever changing regulatory requirements. Delegating investment responsibilities to us gives you more time to focus on your client relationships, as well as developing your business. Meanwhile, you have the piece of mind of knowing that your client’s investments are being closely monitored regularly on your behalf.

The IBOSS Discretionary Managed Portfolio Service (DFM MPS) offers four ranges of model portfolios – Core, Passive, Decumulation and Sustainable.

Built specifically for the financial planner marketplace, our MPS is designed to empower advisers with the tools they need to manage and optimise their clients’ investments more effectively.

By providing access to affordably priced and expertly managed portfolios, we ensure adaptability to the ever-evolving market conditions. With an extensive selection of 32 portfolios, advisers have the flexibility to accurately match their clients with investment solutions that resonate with their long-term financial aspirations, risk tolerance, and specific investment goals.

Best DFM Professional Adviser

Investment Philosophy

All four MPS ranges follow the same IBOSS investment philosophy that is consistent across our solutions and has been tried and tested for over 15 years.

Our philosophy is centred on constructing highly diversified portfolios aimed at outperforming their benchmarks with minimal volatility and across various periods; aiming to balance performance with risk, especially in volatile markets. Our goal is not only to safeguard assets but to also seize opportunities that such conditions may present, this approach has enabled us to consistently deliver risk-adjusted returns since launch in 2008.

Our dedication to this philosophy reflects our belief in a proactive, rather than reactive, investment approach and embodies the pursuit of long-term investment success with a smooth and stable investment journey.

Read more about our investment philosophy here


Launched November 2018

Our core range offers a service to clients that aims to achieve long term investment goals by placing an emphasis on diversification, risk adjusted returns and defensive characteristics.

The range consists of nine actively managed risk-rated model portfolios that are constructed using circa 40 funds per portfolio. We invest across equities, bonds, property/infrastructure and cash, and use several funds within each asset class; a philosophy that’s tried and tested for over 15 years, and forms the template for our other investment ranges.




  • Current OCFs 0.34% – 0.58%
  • Portfolio construction cap at 0.58% OCF*
  • DFM charge of 0.2%
  • Long term performance track record since 2008
  • Very strong defensive characteristics
  • Approximately 35 to 45 funds in each portfolio
  • 4% maximum holding per active fund (excluding deposit and short dated bond funds)
  • 8% maximum holding per passive fund


Click here to download a PDF overview

Click here to download the Core MPS Value Assessment


Launched September 2019

Our passive range offers a service to clients that provides lower annual fees through its passive orientation and accommodates the more cost-conscious clients.

The range consists of nine risk-rated model portfolios and an asset allocation that is closely aligned with our Core MPS. Although constructed using cost effective passive assets, the portfolios’ fund holdings are actively managed by the IBOSS Investment Team.






  • Current OCFs 0.12% – 0.13%
  • Portfolio construction cap at 0.14% OCF*
  • DFM charge of 0.15%
  • Primarily passive/index funds
  • Strong defensive characteristics
  • Approximately 15 to 30 funds in each portfolio
  • 8% maximum holding per passive fund




Click here to download a PDF overview

Click here to download the Passive MPS Value Assessment


Launched March 2020

Our decumulation range offers a service to clients that has the ability to support regular withdrawals, provide an attractive yield, and minimise sequencing risk.

The range consists of seven actively managed risk-rated model portfolios, emphasising income-producing funds, but with no overall target yield, and an asset allocation that is closely aligned with our Core MPS. This approach leads to a tilt towards dividend-paying stocks and a natural value style within the equity holdings. High levels of diversification and avoiding concentration risk in each sector are important factors within portfolio construction.



  • Current OCFs 0.38% – 0.61%
  • Portfolio construction cap at 0.65% OCF*
  • DFM charge of 0.2%
  • Targets income producing funds
  • Supports regular withdrawals
  • Provides an attractive yield
  • Minimises sequencing risk
  • Strong defensive characteristics
  • Approximately 35 to 40 funds in each portfolio
  • 4% maximum holding per active fund (excluding deposit and short dated bond funds)


Click here to download a PDF overview

Click here to download the Decumulation MPS Value Assessment


Launched November 2020

Our sustainable range offers a service to clients that wish to invest in companies and organizations that commit to generating measurable social and environmental goals, alongside a financial return.

The range consists of seven actively managed risk-rated model portfolios that are constructed using funds within IBOSS’ sustainable framework criteria and an asset allocation that is closely aligned with our Core MPS. In a complex area of the market we strive to construct portfolios with a superior level of diversification.




  • Current OCFs 0.47% – 0.67%
  • Portfolio construction cap at 0.75% OCF*
  • DFM charge of 0.25%
  • Built using funds with strong social/environmental values within IBOSS’ sustainable criteria
  • Supported by Morningstar’s rating system and other third party rating agencies
  • Strong defensive characteristics
  • Approximately 35 to 40 funds in each portfolio
  • 5% maximum holding per active fund (excluding deposit and short dated bond funds)

Click here to download a PDF overview

Click here to download the Sustainable MPS Value Assessment

*OCF caps apply to portfolios 0-6 only and are subject to the availability of preferred share classes.

Platform Availability


Available on Aegon ARC and Aegon Platform (previously Cofunds)

Research Tool Availability*


A copy of the EValue risk mapping report can be found on our Adviser Portal, if you do not have access to our portal please contact for a copy of the report.

*Dynamic Planner – Core only | Defaqto Risk Ratings – Core/Sustainable only | FE MPS Directory – Core/Passive /Sustainable only | EValue – Core/Decumulation/Sustainable only


Ratings & Awards

FTAdviser Awards IBOSS

We have been awarded several prestigious accolades for our MPS, which includes being the only DFM provider to win the five star award from FT Adviser for four consecutive years.

Click here to read about them all.

Click here for Defaqto’s DFM Star Rating factsheet

Defaqto 5 Diamond Rating applies to Core range only.

If you would like a copy of the full 17-page assessment report by AKG on IBOSS, please get in touch.

Download Brochures

Adviser versions

Client versions

    IBOSS Sustainble investing MPS   

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Included within the extensive support offered by the MPS, we can also provide white labelled quarterly updates to clients on your behalf. This keeps them informed of current economic and market conditions, as well as fund changes to their portfolios. As many advisers and planners who use the services of IBOSS have vouched for in our case studies, they often become an indispensable part of a client proposition. We believe this part of the service helps demonstrate great value in the adviser-client relationship and makes them feel part of their investment journey.

Read more about our award-winning service and communications here